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Proprietà curative e di anti-invecchiamento dei frammenti di tessuto adiposo ottenuti con frammentazione meccanica sono mediati dagli esosomi presenti nel prodotto finale

Injection of autologous adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) and a stromal vascular fraction (VSF) into dermal and subdermal layers promises regenerative advantages by improving skin volume and rejuvenation. The SEFFI (Superficial Enhanced Fluid Fat Injection) is a standardized technique and published that aim to harvest and re-inject autologous microfragmented adipose tissue with minimum manipulation. In this study the harvesting and preparation procedure was performed by disposable medical devise SEFFILLER™ (Produced by SEFFILLINE srl Bologna Italy). Mechanical fragmentation of adipose tissue as a strategy for tissue regeneration, filler, and biological activity that stimulates cellular rejuvenation represents a now well-established surgical technique. the biological basis supporting this technique, however, has not yet been defined. the cell viability assessed after mechanical fragmentation induces cellular stress and wall damage such that the in vivo success observed from a clinical point of view is not justified. in this regard the purpose of the present study was the biological evaluation of the regenerative and anti-aging properties present in the final product of the fragmentation process. The focus in particular was on the exosomes present in the final product. Exosomes as known, are nanometer-sized vesicles produced by cells as a means of cellular communication. they contain miRNAs with high anti-inflammatory, regenerative and vascular content. The results confirmed that the products contain hexoses that were characterized by electron microscopy, by cytofluorimetry for presence of specific markers, by ELISA for definition of protein content, sequencing of miRNA content confirming anti-inflammatory, anni aging and regenerative content. in vitro treatment of fibroblasts with exosomes obtained by fragmentation with the present technique in particular show a 23% greater increase in production of hyaluronic acid, type i collagen, and elastatin than synthesis of the same molecules in the presence of exosomes obtained by other techniques

AGORÀ 2024 - Aesthetic Medicine International Congress


Via San Francesco D'Assisi 4/A

20122 Milan(MI) Italy


Tel: +39 0286453780

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