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Efficacia e profilo di sicurezza di iniezioni intradermiche di complessi cooperativi ibridi di acido ialuronico nella popolazione femminile Cinese.

In the recent years, it has been observed an increase demand of hyaluronic acid (HA) treatments to counteract skin ageing and correct aesthetic defects such as wrinkles and skin laxity. In this context, a novel composition of thermal stabilized hybrid cooperative complexes (HCC) of high and low molecular weight HA allows to deliver high concentration of HA (32 mg of low molecular weight HA + 32 mg of high molecular weight HA in 2 ml). HCC proved longer resistance to degradation and high efficacy to improve skin hydration and elasticity as well as to ameliorate aesthetic defects due to wrinkles presence. However, most of the studies evaluate the HCC performance in the Caucasian population and only few studies are currently performed with different ethnic group. The aim of this pilot study was to assess the efficacy and tolerability of HCC intradermal injections in Chinese population. To this purpose, 28 Chinese women (aged 30 to 60 years old) with moderate signs of skin ageing were enrolled for the study and received intradermal injections of HCC into face or neck. Treatments were performed twice, 30 days apart, and clinical and instrumental evaluations were performed at different timepoints. Clinical assessments were performed using Wrinkle Severity Rate Scale (WSRS) and Facial Volume Loss Scale (FVLS) to evaluate facial improvement, while IBSA Neck Skin Laxity Scale was used to evaluate neck skin laxity and roughness. Instrumental evaluations were performed using Corneometer and MoistureMeterD to assess superficial and deep skin hydration at 0,5 and 1,5 mm. Although the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic outbreak and consequent lockdown prevented to complete full subjects’ enrollment and follow up at longer timepoint, an overall improvement for both face and neck has been observed already after the first treatment. The amelioration trend was also maintained after second injection. Interestingly, data showed a strong improvement especially for face FVLS and neck skin laxity and roughness score as well as an increase of skin hydration measurements. None of the subjects enrolled in the study showed serious adverse events, confirming the high safety profile of HCC. Although further evaluations are required, the present pilot study confirms HCC as a promising treatment to counteract skin laxity and roughness not only for the Caucasian population, but also for different ethnic group, such as Chinese people. keywords: hybrid cooperative complexes; hyaluronic acid; ageing; skin laxity; facial volume loss

AGORÀ 2024 - Aesthetic Medicine International Congress


Via San Francesco D'Assisi 4/A

20122 Milan(MI) Italy


Tel: +39 0286453780

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